Class 12 Physics NCERT Solutions: Wave Optics Important Questions

Wave optics, also known as physical optics, is a crucial part of Class 12 Physics that delves into the behavior of light as a wave. This chapter covers fundamental concepts such as interference, diffraction, and polarization, all of which play a vital role in understanding modern optical technologies. In this article, we'll explore some of the important questions related to wave optics from the NCERT solutions, providing detailed explanations to help you master this essential topic.

1. Introduction to Wave Optics

Wave optics describes light as a wave phenomenon, which is essential for understanding various optical phenomena that cannot be explained by geometrical optics alone. Unlike ray optics, which treats light as rays, wave optics considers the wave nature of light to explain phenomena such as interference and diffraction.

1.1 Key Concepts in Wave Optics

  • Interference: The phenomenon where two or more light waves overlap and combine to form a new wave pattern.
  • Diffraction: The bending of light waves around obstacles and through apertures, leading to the spreading of light.
  • Polarization: The process by which the vibrations of light waves are restricted to a particular direction.

2. Important Questions on Interference

2.1 What is the principle of superposition?

Answer: The principle of superposition states that when two or more waves overlap at a point, the resultant displacement at that point is equal to the algebraic sum of the displacements due to each wave individually. This principle forms the basis for understanding interference patterns.

2.2 Derive the condition for constructive and destructive interference in Young’s double-slit experiment.

Answer: In Young’s double-slit experiment, light from a single source passes through two slits, creating two coherent sources of light.

  • Constructive Interference: Occurs when the path difference between the two waves is an integer multiple of the wavelength (nλ). Mathematically, the condition for constructive interference is:

    Path difference=dsinθ=nλ\text{Path difference} = d \sin \theta = n \lambda

    where dd is the distance between the slits, θ\theta is the angle of the fringe from the central maximum, and nn is an integer.

  • Destructive Interference: Occurs when the path difference is an odd multiple of half the wavelength ((2n + 1)λ/2). The condition for destructive interference is:

    Path difference=dsinθ=(n+12)λ\text{Path difference} = d \sin \theta = \left(n + \frac{1}{2}\right) \lambda

2.3 Explain the concept of fringe width in the context of Young's double-slit experiment.

Answer: The fringe width (β) is the distance between two consecutive bright or dark fringes in the interference pattern. It is given by:

β=λDd\beta = \frac{\lambda D}{d}

where λ\lambda is the wavelength of the light, DD is the distance between the slits and the screen, and dd is the distance between the slits.

2.4 What happens to the interference pattern if the wavelength of light is increased?

Answer: If the wavelength of light is increased, the fringe width also increases. This is because fringe width is directly proportional to the wavelength (λ\lambda). Therefore, with a larger wavelength, the fringes will be spaced farther apart.

3. Important Questions on Diffraction

3.1 What is diffraction and how is it different from interference?

Answer: Diffraction refers to the bending and spreading of light waves around obstacles and through apertures, resulting in a pattern of alternating bright and dark regions. Unlike interference, which involves the superposition of two or more coherent waves, diffraction occurs when a single wave encounters an obstacle or slit.

3.2 Derive the expression for the angular width of the central maximum in a single-slit diffraction pattern.

Answer: In a single-slit diffraction experiment, the angular width (θ) of the central maximum is given by:

θ=λa\theta = \frac{\lambda}{a}

where λ\lambda is the wavelength of light and aa is the width of the slit. The central maximum is the bright region in the middle of the diffraction pattern, and its width depends on the wavelength and the slit width.

3.3 How does the diffraction pattern change when the slit width is increased?

Answer: When the slit width is increased, the central maximum becomes narrower, and the diffraction pattern becomes less spread out. This is because a larger slit width reduces the extent of diffraction, leading to a more concentrated central maximum.

4. Important Questions on Polarization

4.1 What is polarization of light?

Answer: Polarization is the process by which the vibrations of light waves are restricted to a single plane. Light waves can vibrate in multiple planes, but polarized light has vibrations confined to one plane only. This phenomenon is observed when light passes through certain materials or filters.

4.2 Explain Brewster’s Law and its significance.

Answer: Brewster’s Law states that when light is incident at a particular angle known as Brewster’s angle, the reflected light is perfectly polarized perpendicular to the plane of incidence. The Brewster’s angle (θB\theta_B) is given by:

tanθB=n2n1\tan \theta_B = \frac{n_2}{n_1}

where n1n_1 and n2n_2 are the refractive indices of the two media. This law is significant as it helps in understanding and controlling the polarization of light, which has practical applications in photography, optical devices, and laser technology.

4.3 What are polarizers and how do they work?

Answer: Polarizers are optical devices that transmit light waves vibrating in a particular direction while blocking those vibrating in other directions. They work based on the principle of selective absorption or transmission of polarized light. Common examples include polarizing filters used in sunglasses and photographic equipment.

5. Important Questions on Optics in General

5.1 Describe the phenomenon of diffraction gratings and their uses.

Answer: Diffraction gratings are optical devices with a large number of equally spaced slits or grooves. When light passes through these slits, it diffracts and forms a pattern of multiple spectra. The grating equation is:

dsinθ=nλd \sin \theta = n \lambda

where dd is the grating spacing, θ\theta is the angle of the diffracted light, and nn is the order of the spectrum. Diffraction gratings are widely used in spectrometers to analyze the spectral composition of light.

5.2 What is the importance of studying wave optics?

Answer: Studying wave optics is crucial for understanding various optical phenomena that are not explained by ray optics. It helps in the development of advanced optical technologies, including lasers, fiber optics, and imaging systems. Wave optics principles are applied in various scientific research and industrial applications.


Wave optics is a fascinating and essential part of Physics that reveals the complex nature of light. By understanding concepts such as interference, diffraction, and polarization, you can grasp how light behaves in various situations and how these principles are applied in technology. The questions discussed in this article provide a solid foundation for mastering wave optics and preparing for exams.

For further study, refer to your NCERT textbook for detailed explanations and additional practice problems. Mastery of wave optics not only helps in academic success but also provides insights into the underlying principles of many modern optical devices.

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